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Identity I (2019)

Identity II (2019)

Identity III (2019)

Taste I (2018)
Our senses of smell and taste are intimately entwined. Conceptually, smell enhance or dampen tastes sense by our tongue. Physically our mouth and nose cavities are connected so that our noses can pick up smell released that much of a plants sense of taste is in its roots. (Won Silver medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Taste II (2018)
Our senses of smell and taste are intimately entwined. Conceptually, smell enhance or dampen tastes sense by our tongue. Physically our mouth and nose cavities are connected so that our noses can pick up smell released that much of a plants sense of taste is in its roots. (Won Silver medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Taste III (2018)
Our senses of smell and taste are intimately entwined. Conceptually, smell enhance or dampen tastes sense by our tongue. Physically our mouth and nose cavities are connected so that our noses can pick up smell released that much of a plants sense of taste is in its roots. (Won Silver medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Golden Optic I of III
These pieces fall in the seres perfectly well,
representing how my son see me as a Teacher a Hero and a Guide in his life.
representing how my son see me as a Teacher a Hero and a Guide in his life.

Golden Optic II of III
These pieces fall in the seres perfectly well, representing how my son see me as a Teacher a Hero and a Guide in his life.

Golden Optic III of III
These pieces fall in the seres perfectly well, representing how my son see me as a Teacher a Hero and a Guide in his life.

Golden Moment (2015)
Experiencing all the moments with my son while he was growing up from first step to his first word.

Surface (2014)
Makeup can cover your face but not your personality.

SeeFan (2014)
How People see you don’t determing who you truly are.

Hand Mask (2017)
unmask your self from your surroundings mentally, it can’t be handed to you. (won Gold medal at JCDC art competition)

Sight I (2018)
What do plant see? Obvious answer is like me and you they see light, just as we have photoreceptors in our eyes, they have their own throughout their stems and leaves. Plants also see direction light is coming from can tell whether it is intense or dim they also can judge how long ago the light were turned off.
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .

Sight II (2018)
What do plant see? Obvious answer is like me and you they see light, just as we have photoreceptors in our eyes, they have their own throughout their stems and leaves. Plants also see direction light is coming from can tell whether it is intense or dim they also can judge how long ago the light were turned off.
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .

Sight III (2018)
What do plant see? Obvious answer is like me and you they see light, just as we have photoreceptors in our eyes, they have their own throughout their stems and leaves. Plants also see direction light is coming from can tell whether it is intense or dim they also can judge how long ago the light were turned off.
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .
studies have shown that plants bend to the light as if hungry the sun’s rays .

Discovery I of IIII (2017)
This entire series was inspired from what’s happening in today modern society with females not loving their self for who they really are, base of my observation if your in a space with 10 beautiful lades and you compliment all 10 on there natural beauty 8 out of the 10 will object against what said… lock of self confident and low self worth. Discovery really highlight the Queens and Beautiful women of this world that you are naturally unique without adding or subtracting to any area on your body to be accepted . Discover the you in you and that’s the only way you can appreciate yourself.
(Won Silver and Bronze medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)
(Won Silver and Bronze medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Discovery (2017)
This entire series was inspired from what’s happening in today modern society with females not loving their self for who they really are, base of my observation if your in a space with 10 beautiful lades and you compliment all 10 on there natural beauty 8 out of the 10 will object against what said… lock of self confident and low self worth. Discovery really highlight the Queens and Beautiful women of this world that you are naturally unique without adding or subtracting to any area on your body to be accepted . Discover the you in you and that’s the only way you can appreciate yourself.
(Won Silver and Bronze medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)
(Won Silver and Bronze medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Resilience (2015)
Fighting for what you believe in even if it mean taking it to your grave. (won Silver medal at JCDC art competition)

This body of work that consist of four pieces highlights the various stages during studies and the struggles to comprehend. Many are schooled but have no understanding education is not just what u learn but it is the passion you have in your heart, if you have no passion you will have no drive and no sustainability. Overstand: The rise is though knowledge, the hardship is behind.

"OVERVIEW" (2016)
This body of work that consist of four pieces highlights the various stages during studies and the struggles to comprehend. Many are schooled but have no understanding education is not just what u learn but it is the passion you have in your heart, if you have no passion you will have no drive and no sustainability. Overview: More than a review.

"OVERTHINK" (2016)
This body of work that consist of four pieces highlights the various stages during studies and the struggles to comprehend. Many are schooled but have no understanding education is not just what u learn but it is the passion you have in your heart, if you have no passion you will have no drive and no sustainability. Overthink: Behind the words there is endless possibilities. (Won Silver medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

This body of work that consist of four pieces highlights the various stages during studies and the struggles to comprehend. Many are schooled but have no understanding education is not just what u learn but it is the passion you have in your heart, if you have no passion you will have no drive and no sustainability. Overachieve: Comfortable in my understanding I’ve succeeded. (Won Silver medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)

Indigenous Woman III
This body of work was actually with my mother Gloria Simms of the Maroon community in Charles Town Jamaica… to me she is definitely the definition of a indigenous woman, bold and confident in her style and culture

"HEARING" I of III (2018)
You have probably heard conflicting stories about the musical preference of plants, plants musical taste show a remarkable congruence with oh the human reporting them. (Won Bronze medal in the JCDC art Competition and Exhibition)
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